Finishing Up In Your Kitchen

Getting Organized:
In your Home and Homeschool 

Dear Friends,
How has your week gone? Mine was busy, and the boys helped me a lot with Home Blessings and Zone Missions. I am very blessed to have their help.
If you have some areas where you are seeing progress in your home, send me some pictures to
With the Holiday on Monday and splitting up zones this week, you may not feel like you made a lot of progress. Just keep the big picture in mind. If you did some of the missions, it’s better than not at all. You can also use your timer today and spend 15 minutes right now to declutter in the kitchen.
If the kitchen looks good, then check for Hot Spots in Zone 1 – the front porch, entryway, and dining room. It is eventually going to cool down in the South, and I am ready to have some fall mums on my porch. So have that in mind as you declutter the front porch area. What do you want to do to decorate for fall?
Have you had a date night recently? If not, plan something for you and your husband. Friday is date night on the FlyLady calendar, and it is important to nourish your relationship. If you cannot get out for a date, plan something at home and treat the kids to a snack and movie night. Be creative.
Some of you have areas that you wanted to declutter this summer, and you just did not get it done. Purpose to spend 15 minutes a couple of times a week on these areas. It doesn’t have to be an all-day event. You can break it down and have progress. It takes time, but the consistency will build in a habit for you.
How are you doing with the Habit of the Month? Are you consistently doing your Before Bed Routine? This is a great habit for you and your children, and it is easy to slack off in the summer. So jump back in where you are with it today.
On Friday morning, I do my weekly menu planning. I also use this time as an opportunity to check the boys’ school work and look at the week ahead. If we have appointments, I let them know ahead of time. That way we can make adjustments as needed to their school schedule. I am currently writing this article while sitting at the dentist office.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Your Zone Mission today is to declutter and dust the top of your fridge.
Your Home Blessing for today is to declutter magazines or paper.
My menu plan for Friday is take out for the boys and date night for me and my husband.

Kitchen Pantry Makeover

Dear Friends,
How does your kitchen pantry look? Some of you may not have an “official” kitchen pantry. It might just be a cabinet or series of cabinets. If you like in an RV, it might be a plastic bin. But no matter how you store your canned and boxed food items, you need to purge regularly.
Here are some quick steps to help you focus and make the most of your efforts to declutter and organize your pantry:
Declutter from the back of the shelf to the front.
Start with the top shelf toward the back. This is where items end up going into hiding in your cabinet. You are going to find expired items, and you will find items that are still in date but long forgotten.
Pull these items and toss the expired items. Don’t beat yourself up. Don’t overthink it. If the date has passed, just toss it.
Now take a look at the items you forgot about. Do you still want them? If so, put them in a more prominent place. If you don’t want them, put them in a box to collect to donate to a food bank.
Do not empty the whole shelf! Just work your way from the back to the front for 15 minutes.
If you have been at it for 15 minutes, it’s time to stop. If not, go down to the next shelf and do the same thing.
Start with the bigger items and free up some space.
The bigger items are quick and easy to go through. The smaller canned goods will take longer.
Involve your kids if you have a lot of canned goods to sort and put in some sort of order. I tend to keep my soups on one side of the cabinet, the vegetables in the middle, and the fruits to the other side of the shelf.
Sort by height and type of food item.
I have another shelf where I keep taller bottles and boxes. This is where I keep sauces, salad dressings, and box mixes. If a container, such as the oatmeal box, is too tall for that area, I keep it on the one shelf that is taller than the others.
Since I am gluten-free, I keep a separate cabinet just for those items. It is separate from the pantry, so the boys know not to use them in their recipes. (smile) If you have teenagers who cook and eat a lot, you know what I am talking about.
Keep your spices together and handy for cooking.
The main way to create different flavors with the same basic food items is to use different spices. You can keep them in a spice box or drawer, but you need to check them at least once a year for expiration dates. It’s always interesting to me to see how old some of my spices are. I keep the most used spices near my stove, and the other spices are in my pantry.
If you have many items in your pantry, you might need to do several 15 minute missions over the course of a few days. Don’t empty it at once. You will end up with a mess and will feel overwhelmed.
Today’s Zone Mission is to declutter in your pantry for 15 minutes.
Your Home Blessing for today is to declutter paper and magazines.
My menu plan for Thursday is chicken and a salad.
Have a great day!
Siggie - Tami Fox

Tossing Single Lids and Bowls

Getting Organized:
In your Home and Homeschool 

Dear Friends,
Who has plastic lids in the kitchen and you have no idea where its matching bowl is?
Ah, yes, there are a few of you nodding your head right now. You are holding onto those lids in the hopes that one day you can match them back up to their respective bowls.
Your plastic bowls and lids are a bit like your single socks. They wait for months or years on their mate, and it never shows up. Sound about right?
Today, I want you to spend 15 minutes decluttering this kitchen cabinet or cabinet and drawer.
If you cannot find the mates for the single lids or single bowls, it’s time to toss them. I did this last year when we did our kitchen renovation, and each month, I check that cabinet again. Most of the time the bowls or lids that are singles are disposable items anyway.
You have been trained to hold onto everything. You might need it one day. You are covered up in clutter, and yet you are holding onto items for years that you are not using and are waiting on the other piece to show up. Take a deep breath. You CAN let go of the singles that are missing their mates.
As you declutter in your home, you will start to enjoy letting go, but I know some of you find it hard to do it. Use a box for items to donate and keep it in your car. Add a little bit to it each day. With the consistency of letting go of items, it will get easier, and you will start to see a difference.
Many of you have asked me about how to accomplish these missions, and for many of you, you just need to let go of your perfectionism and stop procrastinating. Today is the day to start decluttering! You can do it!
Your Zone Mission today is to declutterr extra plastic containers and single lids.
Your Home Blessing for today is to wipe windows and mirrors.
My menu plan for Wednesday is lasagna with a salad.
Have a great day!

A clean kitchen will help you manage your day.

Getting Organized:
In your Home and Homeschool 

Dear Friends,
Are you ready to go with your week? Having a Holiday on a Monday always makes me feel like I am on a different day of the week every day for the rest of the week. (smile)
When I feel this way, I jump back into my routines and the peace comes with that. You may be looking around your house and thinking about where to start. Let me help you out with that!
For the rest of the week, we are in the kitchen for our zone missions. Start with shining your kitchen sink. Run the dishwasher and empty it. Work on your counters a little each day. You will feel better when your kitchen is clean.
Your mission today should only take a couple of minutes. Look under the kitchen sink and spend 5 minutes tossing the stuff that you don’t need. Then you can use the other 10 minutes of your zone time today on the other things I listed. I want you to feel successful and in control of your kitchen.
Your whole day starts off great when you walk into the kitchen have a shiny sink each morning. This is why The FlyLady tells you that the Before Bed Routine is the most important routine. It helps you gear up for the morning, and it doesn’t take a lot of time.
We do the Before Bed Routine as a family starting right after dinner. The boys divide and conquer cleaning up after dinner. One of them clears the table. One of them does the dishes. One of them puts leftovers in the fridge and sweeps. While they are doing these tasks, I will deal with a kitchen hot spot.
Then we talk about what’s on the calendar for the next day. We talk about what needs to be put at the launch pad, and then we move into the evening. Later I will check the sink and wipe it down just before I go to bed.
If you are waiting until bedtime to do dishes, check the calendar, and lay out clothes, you are too tired to deal with it. I get responses to that effect daily. (smile)
This week, I want you to purpose to start your Before Bed Routine right after dinner and include your family. At the end of the week, I want to hear how your kitchen looks and how you feel.
Your Home Blessing for today is to dust and vacuum.
Your Zone Mission for today is to declutter unused items from under your kitchen sink.
My menu plan for Tuesday is soup and sandwiches. Veggies and salad for me.
Have a blessed day!

Happy Labor Day! Here are your missions for the week.

Getting Organized:
In your Home and Homeschool 

Dear Friends,
Happy Labor Day! If you are taking today off from school to enjoy your family, just skim through this email. You will have some missions for today, but you can combine them with the missions later in the week, if you are having Family Fun Day today.
Here are you missions for the week:
Zone 1 and 2 Missions: The Front Porch, Entryway, Dining Room, and Kitchen
Monday - Deal with Hot Spots in Zone 1
Tuesday – Zone 2 – The Kitchen – Clean out under the sink
Wednesday – Declutter extra plastic containers and single lids
Thursday - Declutter in the Pantry
Friday – Declutter & Dust the top of the Fridge
Set your timers and then take a break when it goes off!
As we begin September, we will be practicing the habit of our Before Bed Routine. This is the most important routine in your day. Start it right after dinner and encourage your family to participate in laying out clothes and getting things ready at the launch pad for the next morning.
Here’s your recap of the Weekly Zone Missions.
On Monday, spend 15 minutes decluttering in Zone 1 – the front porch, entryway, and dining room. Involve your family if they are home today. Use your timer and some upbeat music. Just hit the hot spots.
On Tuesday, we are going to move on to Zone 2 – the kitchen. Keep this quick and simple. Toss and clutter that is residing under your kitchen sink. If you do this in 5 minutes, you will have a few extra minutes to spend on Zone 1, if needed.
On Wednesday, toss any plastic containers that do not have both parts. Toss the containers that have no lids and the single lids. It’s strange how that can happen, but it does.
On Thursday, spend 15 minutes decluttering in the pantry. Check expiration dates and move things to the front of the cabinet if they have a short amount of time before they expire.
On Friday, declutter the items from the top of your fridge and dust it.
Your Home Blessing for today is to wash the sheets.
Your Zone Mission for Monday is to deal with the Hot Spots in zone 1.
My menu plan for Monday is a Labor Day cookout complete with hot dogs and hamburgers.
Have a blessed day!

Treat Yourself with Love and Compassion

Getting Organized:
In your Home and Homeschool 

Dear Friends,
Happy Friday! We have been decluttering in the Living Room this week. Next to your kitchen, the Living Room (or Family Room) is where your family gathers the most.
That makes it more prone to clutter, and it should be an area you regular take care of Hot Spots. Email a picture of your progress to me at
Your mind is probably trying to figure out how and when everything fits in once you start your homeschool routine.
First, give yourself grace that things are not going to be perfect. Your perfectionism rears its ugly head when you are doing the things you are supposed to be doing, such as homeschooling your children.
Next, give yourself permission to find the places in your schedule to take care of yourself. That is one thing that takes a back seat fast when you add things to your schedule. Rest, eating well, exercise, and water are important foundational things you need to do each day to take care of yourself.
If you have a written schedule or routine, remember that it is used to be a guide and not something that you use to beat yourself up when you cannot get to all of it. You will have days when all of the boxes are checked off, and then you will have days when you struggle with your routines.
Your reaction to those days will leave an impact on your children. Things to not go as planned. That is normal for everyone. If you have read my book, Finding Joy in Brokenness, you know that I have had far more days that do not go according to plan as day that have.
Your routines and missions are goals. Spend a few minutes doing what you can with them. Don’t fret if you don’t get everything done.
This is your mission for the school year:
Do not beat yourself up. Treat yourself like you treat your best friend — with love and compassion.
Enjoy your weekend and Labor Day Holiday with your family.
Today’s Zone Mission is to clear any clutter Hot Spots in your Living Room.
Your Home Blessing for today is to empty the trash, sweep, and mop.
My menu plan for Friday is take out.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Three Quick Pick Up Tips for the Living Room

Getting Organized:
In your Home and Homeschool 

Dear Friends,
Are you seeing a difference in your Living Room from your zone missions?
Here are three quick Living Room Pick Ups.
Flat Surfaces:
Look at your flat surfaces — the side tables, coffee table, TV stand, and bookshelves. Are they full to overflowing? Do you have piles that need to go? Spend 5 minutes pulling stuff off the flat surfaces. You have three options on what to do with them — Throw Away, Put Away, or Give Away. After you declutter the flat surfaces, do a quick dust, and then put back only the things that you really want to display.
If your family uses these flat surfaces as storage places for their stuff, remind them to find places for their things and to put their things away daily. From a homeschool perspective, if you homeschool in the Living Room or Family Room, you will likely deal with school materials on the flat surfaces on a regular basis. Have a place for your homeschool items and remind your students to put their things away daily.
Corners Filled with Clutter:
The Living Room or Family Room can have clutter lurking the corners. I know this because it has happened to me, too.
If you have things piled in the corners, find a place for them or get rid of them. Sometimes we get so used to things in the corners of our room that we quit “seeing” them. Look at your room with fresh eyes. Take a picture if you really want to spot clutter.
Spend 5 minutes dealing with these things. Find a place for them or give them away.
Evict the dust bunnies:
Your last mission might take a little longer than 5 minutes, but if you include your children, it can go fast. Get out your feather duster and go around the room and wipe all of the baseboards. Have your children help you move the furniture, or you can just work behind the furniture as best as you can.
If you have not vacuumed under the furniture in a while, you can do this now as well.
Today’s Zone Mission is to detail dust, wipe the baseboards, and vacuum under your Living Room furniture.
Your Home Blessing for today is to declutter paper and magazines.
My menu plan for Thursday is teriyaki beef.
Have a great day!

Are you putting off your zone missions?

Getting Organized:
In your Home and Homeschool 

Dear Friends,
Happy Anti-Procrastionation Day! Today we are going to embark on a journey that we have been putting off and putting off. We are going to let go of some clutter. It might be paper clutter or other items. It might be that you need to let go of some emotional clutter, too.
Today your motto is, “Clutter be gone!”
Let go of those things that are cluttering up your flat surfaces.
You have flat surfaces in every room in your house. These are clutter magnets. You and your family members drop stuff on the flat surfaces all day long. Set your timer and spend just 5 minutes in an area tossing clutter or finding a place for the items that are taking up valuable space.
If you struggle with letting things go, you need to practice this habit for 5 minutes each day. Create a routine where you spend 5 minutes in each room of your home 1 day a week. This is what the FlyLadycalls a Hot Spot Drill. It is a part of your daily routine, and it does not have to be your zone mission. This can be separate from your zone mission, and it will help you maintain the zones from month to month.
After lunch each day, spend 5 minutes taking care of a Hot Spot. Teach your children to put things away instead of dropping them on the nearest flat surface. Yes, it will take time for you to work your way around the whole house, but the goal here is to develop a habit of consistently dealing with Hot Spots in your home.
Your weekly zone missions are designed to be short and sweet.
Some of you have written to me that you struggle with doing your weekly zone missions. You procrastinate doing them mainly because you don’t want to make a decision on what to do with your stuff. You are afraid you are going to get rid of something that you are going to need again.
We get that thinking from being raised by parents or grandparents who lived through the Depression. They saved and reused everything. The difference is that they did not collect or accumulate stuff like we do now. One trip out of the house, and we come home with more clutter.
Your zone missions deserve a place in your daily routines. It does not matter if you do your zone missions in the morning, afternoon, or evening. I have found that it works best for me to do my zone missions in the morning just as I get the boys started on their school work. I can find 5 to 15 minutes to do this quickly, and sometimes I just ask them to help me for a few minutes.
If you have a hard time doing the whole mission, then do what you can in 5 minutes. The consistency is what will help you maintain and continue to declutter over the course of the year. My missions are faster now that I have less clutter.
Less clutter = more time for other things.
So today I want you to be brave. I want you to stop procrastinating. I want you to let go of the clutter that is taking up space in your home and taking up your time working around it.
Your Zone Mission today is to dust the tops of doors, curtains, book cases, and ceiling fans in the living room.
Your Home Blessing for today is to wipe windows and mirrors.
My menu plan for Wednesday is teriyaki beef with a salad.
Have a great day!

Developing Your Routines

Getting Organized:
In your Home and Homeschool 


Dear Friends,
How do I get my children invloved in the daily routines? This question has been asked of me more than once, and as you are wrapping up summer vacation and moving into your school schedule, you just want some normalcy to your daily routines.
First, you have to have your routines in place. If you are asking your children to pick up behind themselves or get dressed first thing in the morning, you need to be doing these things, too. If you want your children to make their beds, you need to be making your bed.
You also need a good attitude about it. If you are playing the martyr, they will pick up on that. They will mirror that attitude. You need to have JOY in doing your daily routines. Your routines provide structure and give you peace. Your routines help you declutter and maintain your home.
You have are the one who is influencing your children in how they will approach caring for themselves and their homes as adults. They may not like you making changes and asking more of them, but it is for their benefit. You have to have some built in rewards, too.
Think back to your childhood. You carry some baggage from punishments that centered around doing tasks around the house. Your inclination is to do the same thing to your children. Resist this tendency. You do not have to use negative causes in every case.
When your children do well with a routine, praise them. Talk to them about stringing their routines into a habit that is formed after practicing. The FlyLady gives us a month to practice new routines. You need to give this grace to your children if you are expecting them to develop new habits.
In our family, we use activities as rewards. You can do this as well. You do not have to make rewards about buying them more things. (smile) Try to have clutter-free rewards as much as possible.
Are you ready to go on your new school year?
Your Home Blessing for today is to dust and vacuum.
Your Zone Mission for today is to declutter and dust the flat surfaces in your Living Room.
My menu plan for Tuesday is soup and sandwiches. Veggies and salad for me.
Have a blessed day!

Wrapping Up August with Zone Missions

Getting Organized:
In your Home and Homeschool 

Dear Friends,
This week we are wrapping up the month of August. It’s hard to believe that we are on the cusp of September after a long, hot summer. We are going to detail clean and declutter in the Living Room this week. If you have a Family Room, you can do the missions in there as well.
Here are you missions for the week:
Zone 5 Missions: The Living Room
Monday - Go sofa and chair diving
Tuesday – Declutter flat surfaces and dust
Wednesday - Dust tops of doors, curtains, and ceiling fan
Thursday – Dust or vacuum baseboards
Friday – Hot Spot Fire Drill
Set your timers and then take a break when it goes off!
Your Morning Routine can be difficult to master if you have small children because of the interruptions. Write these 6 steps down on a note card or sticky note. Keep it handy. When you get interrupted, you can quickly find your place in the routine and finish it.
Here is the order I use for my Morning Routine:
1)      Get up and make the bed immediately
2)      Get dressed down to the shoes
3)      Check the calendar
4)      Check the menu plan – What’s for dinner?
5)      Start a load of laundry
6)      Swish and swipe (done immediately after my morning shower)
Here’s your recap of the Weekly Zone Missions.
On Monday, go sofa and chair diving. This is a fun mission for children if you let them keep any loose change that they find.
On Tuesday, declutter the flat surfaces in your living room and detail dust.
On Wednesday, do dust along the tops of doors, curtains, and ceiling fan. If you have bookshelves, dust along the tops of them as well.
On Thursday, dust or vacuum along the baseboards and behind the furniture in your Living Room.
On Friday, clear any further cluttered areas in your Living Room.
Your Home Blessing for today is to wash the sheets.
Your Zone Mission for Monday is to go sofa and chair diving.
My menu plan for Monday is my son’s 15th birthday, so he will be choosing the menu for tonight.
Have a blessed day!