Showing Gratitude to Others

Getting Organized:
In your home and homeschool


Dear Friends,

Do you teach your children to write Thank You notes for gifts? I can say that this has been something that has been harder for me to impart to my boys. I do well with writing Thank You notes for myself. Is this a lost art?

Showing gratitude is important. We should be intentional about showing our gratitude. In a digital society, people send Thank You notes through texting or social media. Think back to the last time you got a hand-written Thank You card in the mail. Can you remember? I can’t.

This year, let’s purpose to write more Thank You cards and teach our children to do them, too. If you have any ideas or ways you do this with your children let me know! Just reply to this email.

How has your school year started off after the Holidays? We jumped back into our lessons, and I am feeling good about our progress this year. If you are having a hard time jump starting your school, rest assured that you are not alone. There were many years that we had a rough re-entry into our lessons after Christmas break.

If you are struggling, remember that you can start slowly and work on the basics, and then add in the rest of the subjects over the course of a week or two. Your perfectionism wants you to be able to get through every lesson you planned without any struggles. The reality is that learning is a process, and there will be struggles.

When I speak at homeschool conferences, I share that I have had some really hard homeschool years, and even in the midst of difficulty, my children learned and thrived. Sometimes, I just had to be patient as they learned a new skill.

If you have any homeschool questions, feel free to ask me. I might not know all of the answers, but I will try to help you!

Today’s Zone Mission is to declutter items from one kitchen drawer or cabinet.

Your Home Blessing for today is to declutter paper and magazines.

My menu plan for Thursday is chicken and a salad.

Have a great day!

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About Tami

Tami Fox is a homeschool mom of 6, who in age from 26 to 11. She and her husband have homeschooled for 17 years and have graduated three of their children from their homeschool. They are currently homeschooling 3 boys who are in grades 11, 9, and 6. They use hands-on learning and unit studies to ignite the fire of learning in their children. Tami is a homeschool author and conference speaker. You can contact her by email at Buy her book, Giving Your Children Wings at

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